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Live your life so that the fear of death can never enter your heart.
When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light.
Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living.
And if perchance you see no reason for giving thanks,
rest assured the fault is in yourself...
(Chief Tecumseh, Shawnee Indian Chief)

Art is not for the fleeting pleasures of human nor a solace to the sorrow-stricken heart nor yet for the mere aesthetic enjoyment.
It is a systematic and scientific living in absolute beauty, in infinite harmony, in perfect peace, in eternal joy.
Art is the kingdom of intense feeling, a feeling in which one is aware of the devine existence.
Art is majestic and mystic, idealistic and symbolic, supernatural and transcendental, an expression of the unseen in through the seen.

Art...just for the love of it.

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